Effective and Transparent regulation
The Jharkhand State Medical Council Service to Community & Medical Fraternity Is our endeavour Jharkhand State Medical Council
Earning the trust of the public and the profession by being transparent, accountable, accessible and responsive
Secretary’s Note
A review of last year looks at the ways in which we have fulfilled our purpose in all our areas of responsibility, and the way in which they will evolve in future as we implement our policies. We are determined that the Jharkhand State Medical Council will continue to meet the needs of the society and will merit and maintain the confidence of the public and the profession.

One of the major thrusts is the introduction of renewal of registration, which will require our registered practitioners to demonstrate that they remain up to date. We have succeeded in our endeavour of providing an equitable platform for the users and the providers of health care services.
Dr Girish Tyagi
Need for registration :
Compliance of the law of the land : The Council took steps to disseminate information about the provisions of Jharkhand State Medical Council Act and extensively emphasized on it through print media, at medical professionals associations meetings, through correspondence with the Heads of medical institutes and hospitals. Awareness was created amongst the medical fraternity. The fraternity has reposed its faith in the Council by coming forward for registration in large numbers.
Initiative was taken by the Council by arranging for Field Camps at various medical colleges and institutes to facilitate registration of doctors with Jharkhand State Medical Council.
Status of RegistrationNumber of medical practitioners registered with Jharkhand State Medical Council during the Year 2009-10 – 4460
Total number of medical practitioners registered with Jharkhand State Medical Council - 44297
Notification of Jharkhand State Medical Council RegisterIn compliance with the provisions of Jharkhand State Medical Council Act, the State Medical Register of medical practitioners registered with the Council was notified on 28th November 2002.
Medical educationThe medical professionals have welcomed and responded positively to the concept of Continue Medical Education and the Council has accredited a total of 816 CME programmes.
Better CommunicationIn order to achieve better connectivity with the registered practitioners and public the Council launched its website, ""
WatchdogThe Council through its fair and transparent functioning has not only established its reputation amongst the medical fraternity but also has won the confidence of the public, the investigating agencies and the courts of law.
Anti-QuackeryThe Council is leading a crusade against the self- proclaimed doctors, "Quacks", to free the State of Jharkhand from their menace. In this mission it has been coordinating with the Directorate of Health Services to bring these charlatans to book. We have issued more than one hundred show cause notices to quacks. Prosecution proceedings have been launched against quacks in the courts. We have been able to sensitize the judiciary and have evolved procedures to simplify the executive and judicial process to book these offenders. As a result many quacks have been arrested, some have been denied bail. A request has been made to the High Court of Jharkhand through the Jharkhand Govt. to appoint special magistrates for speedy trial against quacks. We propose to request for amending laws so that trial proceedings against quacks are done expeditiously.
We set the standards of professional practice by describing what is expected of doctors, in their day to day conduct &performance, by the profession and by society .To achieve this objective the Council formulated the Code Of Ethics for medical practitioners practicing/servicing in the NCT of Jharkhand .
Powers, Duties & Functions of Jharkhand State Medical Council.The duties of a doctor registered with the Jharkhand State Medical Council :-
Patients must be able to trust doctors with their lives and well-being. To justify that trust, we as a profession have a duty to maintain a good standard of practice and care and to show respect for human right. In particular as a doctor, you must : -
1. Make the care of your patient your first concern.
2. Treat every patient politely and considerately.
3. Respect patient's dignity and privacy.
4. Listen to patients and respect their views.
5. Give patients information in a way they can understand.
6. Respect the right of patients to be fully involved in decisions about their care.
7. Keep your professional knowledge and skills up to date.
8. Recognize the limits of your professional competence.
9. Be honest and trustworthy.
10. Respect and protect confidential information.
11. Make sure that your personal beliefs do not prejudice your patients' care.
12. Act quickly to protect patients from risk if you have good reason to believe that you or a colleague may not be fit to practise.
13. Avoid abusing your position as a doctor and
14. Work with colleagues in the ways that best serve patients' interest.
In all these matters you must never discriminate unfairly against your patients or colleagues. And you must always be prepared to justify your actions to them.